Case StorIES
Collaborative Human Leadership
High Growth, Strong Culture
Chief Executive, Chief People Officer - Connection, and diagnosis
We were invited to partner with the then Chief Executive and Chief People Officer to help them lead a culture of ‘High Growth - taking care of the future, and Strong Culture - taking care of each other’.
Using our Collaboration Equation™ framework as a diagnostic tool together with the Chief People Officer we identified the three key ingredients for a ‘Strong Culture’ - empathy, trust and collaboration - built upon a foundation of psychological safety - the first of the four building blocks of Collaboration Equation™
Global Leaders Webinar - Contribution, and conversation
We contributed to their senior leadership meeting, a meeting of 130 global leaders, introducing the three key mindset and behaviours that underpin Collaboration Equation - Curiosity, Care and Courage.
Together with the Chief Executive and Chief People Officer we highlighted that High Growth is achieved through a Strong Culture, and that the C-Level Team were committed to Collaborative Human Leadership and to strengthening the team, and growing the future.
C-Level Team - Collaboration, in person and online
We worked over a period of 12 months with the C-Level Team, helping them to become One Team with shared values, and a commitment to foster the growth of the business, people and their teams; strengthening a ‘global mindset’, valuing and appreciating cultural diversity, and creating a culture of belonging.
The team worked together on being’ kind to people, and tough on subjects’, supported and challenged each other with Curiosity, Care and Courage, leading to Collaborative Human Leadership.
“We created a new perspective on the leadership behaviours needed for the culture we want to create - we realised we need both high care and high challenge to drive results. This changed our approach to leadership assessment and development.”
“The team have closer relationships and understand each other better. They have more empathy towards each other's pain points.”
“The Team is more synchronised, working at a different level, taking more responsibility and accountability. It’s much easier now for us to discuss the issues we are facing and focus on coming together as a team. We feel much more supported by each other and that we are sharing the same challenges.”

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